Teacher Resources

History Hustle connects history teachers to great content and resources whenever possible. On this page, you will find teacher resources, lesson plans, and organizations that serve history teachers.

History in Your Hands

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History in Your Hands is a fantastic nonprofit organization for history teachers. HIYH provides a unique, hands-on history learning experience for students to learn history in a tactile, sensory way that can be a more memorable and effective form of teaching than reading and writing alone.

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History in your Hands works with classrooms providing “exhibits” with specific objectives outlined for each. The exhibits may be about prehistoric fossils, U.S. history, ancient Greece, or cartography.

To learn more about it, watch this video:

Teachers, we strongly encourage you to check out History in Your Hands!

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History Hustle provides links to teacher resources, including lesson plans, project ideas, and much more for most of the major periods in history. Click the links below.

Ancient Mesopotamia Teacher Resources

Ancient Greece Teacher Resources

Dark Ages Europe Teacher Resources


American History Teacher Resources

History Hustle