Save this list and you’ll always be able to go medieval on everyone during a conversation.
Now let’s get to it:
1. Pray Thee
Means: I am asking you or please.
Useful in many situations.
“Pray thee move your car so I can leave this obnoxious party.”
2. By my troth
Means: I promise
Carries more weight to say this than “I promise”.
“By my troth, I will try to stop flirting with your brother.”
3. Going to siege
Means: To go to the bathroom
Makes going to the bathroom sound epic.
“Can you pause the she show? I’m going to siege and it will be a while.”
4. My peerless paramour
Means: My sweetheart.
Put on your LARP cape for added effect.
“My peerless paramour, come to my mother’s basement with me this evening for there are pretzel sticks!”
5. My sweeting
Means: My sweet one.
“Don’t go with him, my sweeting, for his pretzel sticks are stale, come play Elder Scrolls with me instead!”
6. God spede you
Means: Have a nice day.
An epic way to send someone off.
“Sir, god spede you and call me when you get home!”
7. Fare thee well
Means: Have a nice day.
Rolls off the tongue and better than “have a good one”.
“Sir, we’re closing up, so finish your nachos and fare thee well.”
8. I cry your mercy
Means: I beg your pardon.
Slip this one in and you’ll have everyone’s attention.
“I cry your mercy, you yelled at which Jonas Brother?”
9. Anon
Means: Soon, later.
Hard to pull this one off, but you never know.
“Wait, you’re texting me from the toilet? I’ll talk to you anon.”
10. Gramercy
Means: Thank you, or to denote surprise (gramercy!)
Pronounced gruh-MUR-see.
“Gramercy for nothing, a**hole.”
11. Beshrew thee!
Means: “Screw you!”
Because we always need more ways to express this.
12. Fie upon thee!
Means: Also “Screw you!”
Why not even more?
13. A plague upon thee!
Means: Again, this one also “Screw you!”
Okay, that should be enough for one freeway commute.
14. What ho!
Means: Hello, there!
Maybe best not to shout this in mixed company.
“What ho! how fare thee? Please do not be alarmed by my codpiece.”
15. Couch a hogshead
Means: To lie down to sleep.
Do you even want to know the origin?
“Maybe I’ll couch a hogshead on the bus ride home.”